Gods act through the mantra which invoke them. In the practices involving Ganesh, we have to remember that the god power is used to transform our negative forces in positive ones.We know that Hindu gods are definitely universal forces which take on various functions. It is easy to understand why : in every chakra there are blokages(energy nodes, grantha) which indicate the lack of yogic preparation of this chakra energies.įor example : if excessive rajasic energies are vigorously set in motion by intensive prânâyâma, that can get jammed in the Svâdishthâna chakra and generate intemperates sexual needs or in the Manipûrachakra irritate the person who does not understand what happens and why she feels herself so bad. Let us stress this point : this practice is difficult and somewhat risky. Indeed, the target of tantric practices is to wake the energy asleep in the mûladhâra chakra and to make it rising, crossing every chakra, up to the Sahasrara Chakra. Therefore, in tantric practices,Ganesh is invoked as the Power able to awake the Kundalini Shakti. Every bîja-mantra is associated with a carrier-animal(vâhana ). The snake, representing the Kundalini asleep power, is wound around this Shiva Lingam. Inside the square figure,below the bija mantra,one generally finds the shiva lingam,black coloured,in a turned summit triangle. The Muladhara chakra corresponds to the earth(prithvi) element it is represented by a yellow coloured square figure,in which is written the root mantra (bija mantra) LAM this square is bordered,on the four sides,by four petals. Ganesh is the lord of the Muladhara chakra,which is the first chakra of the base. The Panchadasi mantra is superimposed on Her physical form. In fact ‘kamakala’ is the root of Panchadasi mantra, which we will discuss in nama 322. She is the root of the mantra Panchadasi. Mantra is explained as, “that which protects on account of repetition” (root man = to repeat, trai = to protect) The Mula mantra is nothing but the Pancadasi mantra.

The mantra is called Mula as it is the root of the four objects of human desires (four purusharthas). She who is of the form of root (mula) mantra. Sri Matre Namaha Moolamantratmika – The Eighty Eighth name in Lalitha Sahasranamam.